MacWorld 1997 August
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626 lines
# html.tcl, HTML mode 1.4.1: macros and bindings for editing HTML documents.
# version 0.24 (16 July 95) by Scott W. Brim <swb1@cornell.edu>
# version 1.0 -- 1.4.1 (April 97) by Johan Linde <jl@theophys.kth.se>
# Copyright 1996, 1997 by Johan Linde.
# This software may be used freely, and distributed freely, as long as
# the receiver is not obligated in any way by receiving it.
# Original ideas taken from Marc Andreesen's html.el and Tom Scavo's latex.tcl.
# If you make improvements to this file, please share them!
# Johan Linde <jl@theophys.kth.se>
# called by Alpha to load HTML in.
proc htmlDummy {} {}
proc htmlMenu {} {}
# Global variables and their management
if {![info exists htmlMenu]} {set htmlMenu "•135"}
# Home pages, set the old one if it exists.
if {[info exists homePagePath] && [string length $homePagePath] &&
[info exists HTMLmodeVars(baseURL)] && [string length $HTMLmodeVars(baseURL)]} {
if {![info exists HTMLmodeVars(basePath)]} {set HTMLmodeVars(basePath) ""}
newModeVar HTML homePages [list [list [string trimright $homePagePath :] $HTMLmodeVars(baseURL) $HTMLmodeVars(basePath) "index.html"]] 0
lappend modifiedModeVars {homePages HTMLmodeVars}
} else {
newModeVar HTML homePages {} 0
# Unsetting old flags and variables which may be defined in arrdefs.tcl
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(dlEntries)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(useCtlCmd)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(allContainers)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(quotedAttrs)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(htmlBindPrefix)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(htmlSBindPrefix)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(htmlMenuPrefix)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(htmlSMenuPrefix)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(URLAttrs)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(ColorAttrs)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(elemAttrsForAll)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(useStatusBar)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(baseURL)}
catch {unset HTMLmodeVars(basePath)}
# Line width
newModeVar HTML fillColumn 75 0
newModeVar HTML leftFillColumn 0 0
# word breaking and word wrapping
newModeVar HTML wordBreak {\w+} 0
newModeVar HTML wordBreakPreface {(\W)} 0
newModeVar HTML wrapBreak {[\w_]+} 0
newModeVar HTML wrapBreakPreface {([^\w_])} 0
# browsers
if {![info exists browserSig]} {set browserSig MOSS}
newModeVar HTML browsers {MOSS MSIE} 0
newModeVar HTML wordWrap 1 1
newModeVar HTML prefixString "<!-- " 0
newModeVar HTML suffixString " -->" 0
# Paths to footer files.
newModeVar HTML footers {} 0
# Tag color
newModeVar HTML tagColor blue 0
# Should elements be lower case?
newModeVar HTML useLowerCase 0 1
# Should •'s be inserted?
newModeVar HTML useTabMarks 1 1
# Is <p> a container?
newModeVar HTML pIsContainer 1 1
# Are LI DT and DD containers
newModeVar HTML lidtAreContainers 0 1
# A list of URLs, cached, to pick from for insertion
newModeVar HTML URLs {} 0
# A window cache with frames.
newModeVar HTML windows {} 0
# When browser is launched, should it be brought to front?
newModeVar HTML browseInForeground 1 1
# Save without asking when sending file to browser?
newModeVar HTML saveWithoutAsking 0 1
# list of commonly used character entities
newModeVar HTML defaultCommonChars {"less than" "greater than" "ampersand"} 0
newModeVar HTML commonChars $HTMLmodeVars(defaultCommonChars) 0
# Which HTML package?
newModeVar HTML htmlPackageToUse 1 0
# Include event handlers in attribute dialog?
newModeVar HTML inclEventHandler 0 1
# Beep when asking for attributes in the status bar?
newModeVar HTML promptNoisily 1 1
# Input from big windows?
newModeVar HTML useBigWindows 1 1
# Check anchors in links
newModeVar HTML checkAnchors 1 1
# Case sensistive link checking?
newModeVar HTML caseSensitive 0 1
# Check links with Big Brother?
newModeVar HTML useBigBrother 0 1
newModeVar HTML checkInFront 1 1
newModeVar HTML useBBoptions 1 1
newModeVar HTML ignoreRemote 0 1
newModeVar HTML ignoreLocal 0 1
# Folder for HTML manual.
newModeVar HTML manualFolder {} 0
# JavaScript stuff
newModeVar HTML JavaScriptColoring 0 1
newModeVar HTML JavaScriptColor magenta 0
newModeVar HTML stringColor green 0
newModeVar HTML JavaCommentColor red 0
newModeVar HTML elecRBrace 0 1
newModeVar HTML elecLBrace 0 1
# These mode variables should not appear in the config dialog.
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(htmlPackageToUse) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(footers) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(windows) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(URLs) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(defaultCommonChars) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(commonChars) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(browserSig) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(homePages) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(useBigBrother) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(browsers) 1
set HTMLinvisibleModeVars(manualFolder) 1
# These attributes are URLs.
# These element attributes are colors
# These attributes are windows
set htmlWindowAttr {TARGET=}
# Special cases with URLs, colors and windows
set htmlSpecURL {}
set htmlSpecColor {}
set htmlSpecWindow {}
# These elements can be in document HEAD.
set htmlHeadElements3 {BASE ISINDEX LINK META}
# These elements are plug-ins.
# HTML mode version
set htmlVersion 1.41
# Used by fillParagraph
set htmlParaCommands {html|head|title|body|h[1-6]|p|div|blockquote|center|address|pre|multicol}
append htmlParaCommands {|br|hr|wbr|basefont|ul|ol|li|dir|menu|dl|dd|dt|form|input}
append htmlParaCommands {|select|option|textarea|caption|table|tr|frameset|frame|noframes}
append htmlParaCommands {|map|area|applet|param|script|noscript|base|link|meta|isindex}
# Internal Globals
set htmlCurSel ""
set htmlIsSel 0
set htmlExtIsLoaded 0
set html32IsLoaded 0
set htmlAdditionExist 0
set htmlIsLoaded 1
if { [catch {source "$HOME:Tcl:Modes:htmlEngine.tcl"}] } {
set htmlIsLoaded 0
alertnote "Loading of htmlEngine.tcl failed"
if { [catch {source "$HOME:Tcl:Modes:htmlElems.tcl"}] } {
set htmlIsLoaded 0
alertnote "Loading of htmlElems.tcl failed"
if { [catch {source "$HOME:Tcl:Modes:htmlUtils.tcl"}] } {
set htmlIsLoaded 0
alertnote "Loading of htmlUtils.tcl failed"
if { [catch {source "$HOME:Tcl:Modes:htmlMenu.tcl"}] } {
set htmlIsLoaded 0
alertnote "Loading of htmlMenu.tcl failed"
if {!$HTMLmodeVars(useBigWindows) && [catch {source "$HOME:Tcl:Modes:htmlExtra.tcl"}] } {
set htmlIsLoaded 0
alertnote "Loading of htmlExtra.tcl failed"
# Read custom elements
proc htmlReadAdditions {} {
global PREFS htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlElemAttrChoices1
global htmlElemAttrNumber1 htmlElemEventHandler1 htmlElemKeyBinding htmlElemProc
global htmlExtIsLoaded htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr htmlPlugins
global htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow htmlVersion htmlShownWarning
message "Loading custom elements…"
set htmlExtIsLoaded 1
rename htmlExtensions ""
if {[catch {open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl r} fid]} {
alertnote "Could not open the file HTMLAdditions.tcl with your custom elements."
set additions [read -nonewline $fid]
close $fid
set lines [split $additions "\n"]
set version [lindex $lines 0]
if {$version == $htmlVersion} {htmlReadAdditions0 $lines; return}
if {$version > $htmlVersion} {
regsub "\[^\n\]+" $additions $htmlVersion additions
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl w]
puts $fid $additions
close $fid
htmlReadAdditions0 $lines
set allattrs [htmlGetAllAttrs]
set newLines "$htmlVersion\n"
set changed 0
set tmpSpecURL ""
set tmpSpecColor ""
set tmpSpecWindow ""
foreach line [lrange $lines 1 end] {
set elem [lindex $line 0]
set command [lindex $line 1]
set elemExists [info exists htmlElemAttrOptional1($elem)]
if {$elemExists} {
foreach x [list AttrOptional1 AttrRequired1 AttrNumber1 AttrChoices1 EventHandler1] {
if {[info exists htmlElem${x}($elem)]} {
set $x [string toupper [set htmlElem${x}($elem)]]
} else {
set $x ""
set attrs [concat $AttrOptional1 $AttrRequired1 $EventHandler1]
foreach at $attrs {
if {[string trimright $at =] == $at} {
lappend attrs "${at}="
} else {
lappend attrs [string trimright $at =]
} else {
set attrs {}
set var [lindex $command 1]
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {$var == "html${ucw}Attr"} {
set att [lindex $command 2]
if {[lsearch -exact [set html${ucw}Attr] $att] >=0} {
# Already defined.
set changed 1
} elseif {[lsearch -exact $allattrs $att] >=0 || [lsearch -exact $allattrs [string trimright $att =]] >=0} {
# Used for some other kind of attr.
lappend ${ucw}SpecMaybe $att
set changed 1
} elseif {[lsearch -exact $attrs $att] >= 0} {
# Attr already exists for elem.
lappend ${ucw}Maybe $att
set changed 1
} else {
append newLines "$line\n"
if {$var == "htmlSpec${ucw}"} {
set tmpadd [lrange $command 2 end]
foreach x $tmpadd {
regexp {[^!=]!?=(.*)} $x dum tmp
# Only add if attr doesn't exist.
if {[lsearch -exact $attrs $tmp] >= 0} {
set changed 1
set where [lsearch -exact $tmpadd $x]
set tmpadd [lreplace $tmpadd $where $where]
if {[llength $tmpadd]} {
append newLines "[list $elem] \{lappend htmlSpec${ucw} $tmpadd\}\n"
append tmpSpec${ucw} " " $tmpadd
if {[lsearch {htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr htmlSpecURL \
htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow} $var] < 0} {
# If element doesn't exist, GO!
if {!$elemExists} {
append newLines "$line\n"
regsub "html" $command "tmp" command
eval $command
# Skip these vars if element exists.
if {[string match "htmlElemKeyBinding*" $var] || [string match "htmlElemProc*" $var] ||
$var == "htmlPlugins"} {
set changed 1
regexp {([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)[ ]+(.+)} [lrange $command 1 end] dummy var arg added
set added [string trimleft [string trimright $added \}] \{]
foreach c $added {
if {$var == "htmlElemAttrChoices1"} {
regexp {[^=]*=} $c tmp
# Don't add choices if they exist or if attr isn't a choice attr.
if {[lsearch -exact $AttrChoices1 $c] >= 0 || ([lsearch -exact $attrs $tmp] >= 0 &&
[lsearch $AttrChoices1 "${tmp}*"] < 0) } {
set changed 1
set where [lsearch -exact $added $c]
set added [lreplace $added $where $where]
} else {
if {$var == "htmlElemAttrNumber1"} {
regexp {[^=]*=} $c tmp
} else {
set tmp [string toupper $c]
# Don't add attrs which exist.
if {[lsearch -exact $attrs $tmp] >= 0} {
set changed 1
set where [lsearch -exact $added $c]
set added [lreplace $added $where $where]
if {[llength $added]} {
append newLines "[list $elem] \{lappend ${var}($arg) $added\}\n"
regsub "html" $var "tmp" var
eval "lappend ${var}($arg) $added"
foreach ucw [list URL Color Window] {
if {[info exists ${ucw}SpecMaybe]} {
foreach m [set ${ucw}SpecMaybe] {
foreach e [array names tmpElemAttrRequired1] {
if {[lsearch -exact $tmpElemAttrRequired1($e) $m] >= 0 && \
[lsearch -exact [set tmpSpec$ucw] "$e!=[string trimright $m =]"] < 0} {
append newLines "[list $e] \{lappend htmlSpec${ucw} ${e}=[string trimright $m =]\}\n"
foreach e [array names tmpElemAttrOptional1] {
if {[lsearch -exact $tmpElemAttrOptional1($e) $m] >= 0 && \
[lsearch -exact [set tmpSpec$ucw] "$e!=[string trimright $m =]"] < 0} {
append newLines "[list $e] \{lappend htmlSpec${ucw} ${e}=[string trimright $m =]\}\n"
if {[info exists ${ucw}Maybe]} {
foreach m [set ${ucw}Maybe] {
set foundit 0
foreach e [array names tmpElemAttrRequired1] {
if {[lsearch -exact $tmpElemAttrRequired1($e) $m] >= 0 && \
[lsearch -exact [set tmpSpec$ucw] "$e!=[string trimright $m =]"] < 0} {
append newLines "[list $e] \{lappend html${ucw}Attr $m\}\n"
set foundit 1
if {$foundit} {continue}
foreach e [array names tmpElemAttrOptional1] {
if {[lsearch -exact $tmpElemAttrOptional1($e) $m] >= 0 && \
[lsearch -exact [set tmpSpec$ucw] "$e!=[string trimright $m =]"] < 0} {
append newLines "[list $e] \{lappend html${ucw}Attr $m\}\n"
if {$newLines != "$htmlVersion\n"} {htmlReadAdditions0 [split [string trimright $newLines "\n"] "\n"]}
if {$changed} {
if {[lindex [dialog -w 300 -h 270 -b "Clean up" 20 240 100 260 \
-b "Leave it" 120 240 200 260 -t "Some of your custom elements are supported by this\
version of HTML mode." 10 10 290 45 -t "Choose 'Clean up' to update your file with custom\
elements and to avoid this alert next time you run Alpha.\
If you do so, some elements will not be defined correctly if you go back to\
a previous version of HTML mode." 10 50 290 150 -t "Choose 'Leave it' to leave your file\
with custom elements untouched. If you do so, the submenu 'Extend', where you can add new custom\
elements, will be disabled." 10 160 290 225] 1]} {
set htmlShownWarning 1
if {$newLines == "$htmlVersion\n"} {
removeFile $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl
} else {
set fid [open $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl w]
puts -nonewline $fid $newLines
close $fid
proc htmlReadAdditions0 {lines} {
global PREFS htmlElemAttrRequired1 htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlElemAttrChoices1
global htmlElemAttrNumber1 htmlElemEventHandler1 htmlElemKeyBinding htmlElemProc
global htmlExtIsLoaded htmlURLAttr htmlColorAttr htmlWindowAttr htmlPlugins
global htmlSpecURL htmlSpecColor htmlSpecWindow htmlAdditionExist htmlShownWarning
foreach line [lrange $lines 1 end] {
if {[catch {eval [lindex $line 1]}]} {
alertnote "There is an error in the file HTMLAdditions.tcl with your custom elements."
set htmlShownWarning 1
set htmlAdditionExist 1
# Color support
proc htmlColorizing {} {
global HTMLmodeVars HTMLwords htmlElemAttrOptional1 htmlElemAttrRequired1
global htmlExtIsLoaded htmlElemEventHandler1
set HTMLKeyWords {}
if {[info exists HTMLwords]} {set HTMLKeyWords [concat $HTMLKeyWords $HTMLwords]}
if {$HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColoring)} {
if {!$htmlExtIsLoaded} {
set htmlExtIsLoaded 1
rename htmlExtensions ""
set allHTMLwords [array names htmlElemAttrOptional1]
foreach elem $allHTMLwords {
lappend allHTMLkeywords "<${elem}" "/${elem}"
if {[info exists htmlElemAttrRequired1($elem)]} {
foreach attr $htmlElemAttrRequired1($elem) {
if {[lsearch -exact $allHTMLkeywords $attr] < 0} {
lappend allHTMLkeywords $attr
foreach attr $htmlElemAttrOptional1($elem) {
if {[lsearch -exact $allHTMLkeywords $attr] < 0} {
lappend allHTMLkeywords $attr
lappend allHTMLkeywords "<INPUT" "<!--" "-->" "FILE=" "FORM=" "#INCLUDE" "/#INCLUDE" "#LASTMODIFIED" "/#LASTMODIFIED"
set JavaScriptWords {break continue for in function if else new return this var while with true false }
foreach elem [array names htmlElemEventHandler1] {
foreach event $htmlElemEventHandler1($elem) {
if {[lsearch -exact $JavaScriptWords $event] < 0} {
lappend JavaScriptWords $event
regModeKeywords -i "<" -i ">" -I $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) -e "//" -b "/*" "*/" \
-c $HTMLmodeVars(JavaCommentColor) \
-s $HTMLmodeVars(stringColor) -k $HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColor) \
HTML $JavaScriptWords
regModeKeywords -a -k $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) \
HTML [concat $HTMLKeyWords $allHTMLkeywords]
} else {
regModeKeywords -b "<" ">" -c $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) \
-k $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) HTML $HTMLKeyWords
# Change color when a color variable is changed.
proc htmlChangeColorizing {name1 name2 op} {
global HTMLmodeVars
if {$name2 == "JavaScriptColoring" } {
message "Coloring may not change until you switch to another window."
} elseif {$name2 == "tagColor"} {
if {!$HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColoring)} {
regModeKeywords -a -c $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) HTML
} else {
message "Coloring may not change until you switch to another window."
} elseif {$name2 == "JavaScriptColor" && $HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColoring)} {
message "Coloring may not change until you switch to another window."
} elseif {$name2 == "JavaCommentColor" && $HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColoring)} {
regModeKeywords -a -c $HTMLmodeVars(JavaCommentColor) HTML
proc htmlShadowAttrUse {name1 name2 op} {
global HTMLmodeVars htmlMenu
enableMenuItem $htmlMenu "Use Attributes" [expr !$HTMLmodeVars(useBigWindows)]
trace variable HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) w htmlChangeColorizing
trace variable HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColor) w htmlChangeColorizing
trace variable HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColoring) w htmlChangeColorizing
trace variable HTMLmodeVars(JavaCommentColor) w htmlChangeColorizing
trace variable HTMLmodeVars(useBigWindows) w htmlShadowAttrUse
trace variable browserSig w htmlToggleBrowser2
# Dialog to set HTML mode variables.
proc HTMLmodifyFlags {} {
global HTMLmodeVars modifiedModeVars colorInds tcl_var_procs
set colors {none blue cyan green magenta red white yellow}
foreach c [array names colorInds] {
if {[regexp {color} $c]} {lappend colors $c}
set box "-t {HTML mode Settings} 150 10 300 30 \
-m {General General JavaScript {Checking links} {Word Wrapping}} 150 40 300 60 \
-n General \
-c {Bring browser to front when sending a window to it} $HTMLmodeVars(browseInForeground) 10 70 450 85\
-c {Save window without asking when sending it to the browser} $HTMLmodeVars(saveWithoutAsking) 10 90 450 105 \
-c {Set tags in lower case} $HTMLmodeVars(useLowerCase) 10 110 450 125 \
-c {Use tab marks (•)} $HTMLmodeVars(useTabMarks) 10 130 450 145 \
-c {<P> has a closing tag </P>} $HTMLmodeVars(pIsContainer) 10 150 450 165 \
-c {<LI>, <DT> and <DD> have closing tags} $HTMLmodeVars(lidtAreContainers) 10 170 450 185\
-c {Give attributes in dialog windows, not in the status bar} $HTMLmodeVars(useBigWindows) 10 190 450 205 \
-c {Beep for each attribute (applies only if you use the status bar)} $HTMLmodeVars(promptNoisily) 10 210 450 225 \
-t {Color of HTML tags:} 10 240 150 260 \
-m [list [concat $HTMLmodeVars(tagColor) $colors]] 160 240 310 260 \
-n JavaScript \
-c {Color JavaScript keywords} $HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColoring) 10 70 450 85\
-c {Electric left braces} $HTMLmodeVars(elecLBrace) 10 90 450 105 \
-c {Electric right braces} $HTMLmodeVars(elecRBrace) 10 110 450 125 \
-c {Include event handlers in attribute dialog} $HTMLmodeVars(inclEventHandler) 10 130 450 145 \
-t {The settings below apply only if you color JavaScript keywords} 10 160 450 175 \
-t {Color of JavaScript keywords:} 10 190 210 205 \
-m [list [concat $HTMLmodeVars(JavaScriptColor) $colors]] 220 190 360 210 \
-t {Color of JavaScript comments:} 10 220 215 235 \
-m [list [concat $HTMLmodeVars(JavaCommentColor) $colors]] 220 220 360 240 \
-t {Color of strings:} 10 250 220 265 \
-m [list [concat $HTMLmodeVars(stringColor) $colors]] 220 250 360 270 \
-n {Checking links} \
-t {These settings apply when you check links with Alpha} 10 70 450 85 \
-c {Check anchors} $HTMLmodeVars(checkAnchors) 10 90 450 105 \
-c {Case sensitive checking (slower)} $HTMLmodeVars(caseSensitive) 10 110 450 125 \
-t {These settings apply when you check links with Big Brother} 10 135 450 150\
-c {Bring Big Brother to front when checking links} $HTMLmodeVars(checkInFront) 10 155 450 170\
-c {Use Big Brother's link check options} $HTMLmodeVars(useBBoptions) 10 175 450 190\
-c {Ignore remote links (if you don't use Big Brother's option)} $HTMLmodeVars(ignoreRemote) 30 195 450 210\
-c {Ignore local links (if you don't use Big Brother's option)} $HTMLmodeVars(ignoreLocal) 30 215 450 230\
-n {Word Wrapping} \
-t {Line width:} 10 70 90 85 -e [list $HTMLmodeVars(fillColumn)] 100 70 140 85 \
-t characters 145 70 300 85 \
-t {The variables below determine which characters build up words, and the word wrapping. Normally\
there is no need to change them. Read about them in general manual if you want to change them.} \
10 100 450 160 \
-t wordBreak: 10 170 150 185 -e [list $HTMLmodeVars(wordBreak)] 155 170 450 185 \
-t wordBreakPreface: 10 195 150 210 -e [list $HTMLmodeVars(wordBreakPreface)] 155 195 450 210 \
-t wrapBreak: 10 220 150 235 -e [list $HTMLmodeVars(wrapBreak)] 155 220 450 235 \
-t wrapBreakPreface: 10 245 150 260 -e [list $HTMLmodeVars(wrapBreakPreface)] 155 245 450 260"
set values [eval [concat dialog -w 460 -h 320 -b OK 20 290 85 310 -b Cancel 110 290 175 310 $box]]
if {[lindex $values 1]} {return}
set i 2
foreach flag [list browseInForeground saveWithoutAsking useLowerCase useTabMarks pIsContainer lidtAreContainers \
useBigWindows promptNoisily tagColor JavaScriptColoring elecLBrace \
elecRBrace inclEventHandler JavaScriptColor JavaCommentColor stringColor \
checkAnchors caseSensitive checkInFront useBBoptions ignoreRemote ignoreLocal \
fillColumn wordBreak wordBreakPreface wrapBreak wrapBreakPreface] {
global $flag
incr i
set val [lindex $values $i]
if {$HTMLmodeVars($flag) != $val} {
set $flag $val
set HTMLmodeVars($flag) $val
lappend modifiedModeVars [list $flag HTMLmodeVars]
if {[info exists tcl_var_procs($flag)]} {
$tcl_var_procs($flag) $flag
if {$htmlIsLoaded} {
if {[file exists $PREFS:HTMLadditions.tcl]} {
if {[catch {htmlReadAdditions}]} {alertnote "An error occured while reading your custom elements."}
rename htmlReadAdditions ""
rename htmlReadAdditions0 ""
rename htmlBindKeys ""
message "Building HTML menu…"
# Check that all home page folders exist.
set tmp_notfind ""
foreach tmp_hp $HTMLmodeVars(homePages) {
if {![file exists [lindex $tmp_hp 0]] || ![file isdirectory [lindex $tmp_hp 0]]} {
alertnote "Can't find the folder for the home page [lindex $tmp_hp 1][lindex $tmp_hp 2]"
set tmp_notfind "[lindex $tmp_hp 1][lindex $tmp_hp 2]"
if {$tmp_notfind != ""} {htmlHomePages $tmp_notfind}
message "HTML initialization complete."
catch {unset tmp_notfind tmp_hp}
} else {
message "HTML initialization failed."
unset htmlIsLoaded